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Get Current Vote Impact | Climes API

This endpoint gets the impact metics and other meta data along with certificate for the vote done by the user for their Order.

Request Parameters



Replace PARTNER_ORDER_ID with the partner_order_id that you sent while placing an order.




'x-api-key' : 'API_KEY'

Response Parameters

Response Schema

partner_order_idThis is the partner_order_id send while creating the order.string
climesThis is the total climes that were sent while creating an order which are now allocated to the project_idnumber
kg_co2_removedThis is the Kgs CO2e equivalent of climes bought.number
certificate_linkThis is the certificate link denoting that the climes have been allocated to the said project by the user.string
project_nameThis is the name of the project supported by this user with their climes.string
project_idThis is the project_id for the project which is supported by the user. Additional details for the project are available at Get Projects APIstring
allocation_dateThis is the UTC time at which the user chose the project.UTC string
order_dateThis is the UTC time at which the order was placed.UTC string
equivalentsThis object contains the equivalent values for the kg_co2_removed. This has individual equivalents object.object

Equivalents Schema

trashbags_recycledIts the total number of trash bags collected for recycle for the kg_co2_removednumber
seedlings_grownIts the total number of seedlings planted and grown for 10 years for the amount of kg_co2_removednumber
electricity_savedIts the total hours of electricity saved for the kg_co2_removednumber

Status Code


Response Data

"partner_order_id" : "876287372837786837",
"climes" : 557,
"kg_co2_removed" : 557,
"certificate_link": "climes-certificate-link",
"project_name" : "Making biodiverse forests financially viable for farmers",
"project_id" : "farmers-for-forests",
"allocation_date" : "2023-06-22T06:35:22.314Z",
"order_date" : "2023-06-21T02:29:50.251Z",
"equivalents" : {
"trashbags_recycled" : 24,
"seedlings_grown" : 9,
"electricity_saved" : 256

Sample Request

curl --location --request GET 'BASE_URL/v3/integrations/vote/876287372837786837/impact'  
--header 'x-api-key: API_KEY'

Sample Response

Below are sample responses for the above sample request.


"partner_order_id": "876287372837786837",
"climes": 557,
"kg_co2_removed": 557,
"certificate_link": "climes-certificate-link",
"project_name": "Making biodiverse forests financially viable for farmers",
"project_id": "farmers-for-forests",
"allocation_date": "2023-06-22T06:35:22.314Z",
"order_date": "2023-06-21T02:29:50.251Z",
"equivalents": {
"trashbags_recycled": 24,
"seedlings_grown": 9,
"electricity_saved": 256