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Response Codes | Climes API

200OK : Your request was successful
201Created : Your request successfully created a resource
202Accepted : Your request is accepted for further processing
400Bad Request : The request parameters or body are invalid
403Unauthorized: The API key you provided is invalid or disabled
404Not found: the requested resource was not found
429Too many requests. You are being rate limited
500The request could not be processed due to an error on Climes servers

When there is an error processing a request, the Climes API will return an error object. All errors will have following schema :

messageStringA human readable string describing the error.
The exact copy of these messages are based on the error itself

The error message is for your information, not the end users.
Please use the status codes and communicate the error to user accordingly
The API returns the first validation error that is encountered even if there are multiple errors with the request